Not at all! You can try but I guarantee you that there's NOTHING like this on the internet! Certainly not at this low price point. I did the price comparison and math for you above!
And those free online templates are deficient, not reliable or trustworthy, and you will end up wasting HOURS and DAYS trying to write the legal contract yourself. Even then you won't have the complete satisfaction and confidence in them because you don't know whether those free templates are actually written by a lawyer. Unless you are a lawyer, you don't even know WHAT key legal provisions are missing in those free legal templates.
Businesses are sued every day for not having proper legal contracts in place, so don't trust your business to some free legal templates. You get what you pay for! I have personally audited and reviewed the free legal templates floating around the web and have found them not to comply with the laws and my clients have been sued because of them.
Don't make the legal mistakes that will make your family cry and lose their sleep. I'm a living example of that when my dad made the mistake of NOT signing a legal contract with his freelancer and we were slapped with a $90,000 lawsuit because of that!
If you want to trust your hard work, creation and business to that kind of unreliable source then you are choosing to take that legal risk, only to pay thousands to hire a lawyer later when you get into legal trouble.
I have put ALL my knowledge, more than 9 years of legal expertise and a long time drafting and finalizing these templates so you don't have to!
You will save WEEKS worth of time, headache and stress because I KNOW I have made your job that easy! I know my fellow attorneys charge $250-$500 per hour to give just a fraction of what I have provided here, for far less. The bonuses worth $500 alone are the price of this template!
I truly believe in giving more than receiving and all my templates are designed by keeping this core principle in mind. Because of all these reasons, we do not offer refunds.